Managing BLUEcloud Connections
BLUEcloud Connections provide a way for Portfolio to connect to electronic resource collections and other services in BLUEcloud Central. Because connections to multiple BLUEcloud customers can be created and maintained from within Enterprise, consortia can manage access to eResource Central collections and other services across multiple BLUEcloud customers from within a single instance of Enterprise. For more information on collections within BLUEcloud Central, see the "Using eResource Central" topics in the BLUEcloud Central Help. BLUEcloud Connections are assigned to individual search profiles from Fields: Add/Edit/Copy Profile.
You must have the proper privilege assigned to your account in order to view BLUEcloud connections. |
When retrieving the search profile list for Discovery sync targets in BLUEcloud Central, the available search profiles will be limited to those that have been assigned to their BLUEcloud connection. For example, City Library has a Local Artist Media collection that resides in BLUEcloud Central. Their Local Works search profile in Enterprise needs to access the collection, so they create a BLUEcloud connection to the collection named CLBCC. After the connection is created and assigned to the Local Works search profile, the Local Works search profile can be found in the sync targets in BLUEcloud Central. |
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